Tuesday, August 09, 2011
My Brother Died
Monday, August 08, 2011
My Dance Card...
Friday, July 08, 2011
July 8, 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011
It's School Time Again
Thursday, April 21, 2011
It's A Morbid Day In The Neighborhood
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
The Spider
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
A Day's Worth of Questions--Part II
- Can you turn on Sesame Street?
- Can you turn on a movie that's not Tangled?
- What colors do you use for a rainbow?
- What's after orange?
- Mommy, Mommy, does green go after orange?
- What comes after green?
- What goes after blue?
- Mommy, Mama, what goes after blue?
- Is 3 more than 2?
- Now do you want me to turn it upside down?
- Me, three?
- Mommy, when can we have lunch?
- How many more minutes?
- Why?
- Why don't you want us to put them in?
- You want us to put it in the back?
- Can you help me open this, please?
- Mommy, can you help me open this, please?
- Why?
- Why?
- Mama, can we play in Darcy's room, please?
- Mommy, can we play outside in the front yard?
- Please?
- Can we watch a movie that's not Rapunzel, please?
- Mommy, can we watch a movie that's not Rapunzel?
- Please?
- Can you turn on Sesame Street?
- Mommy, have you seen my tea set plate?
- Mommy, have you seen my plate and purple knife?
- Mommy, can I use this plate for my tea set thing?
- Mommy, can we eat lunch with Daddy?
- Mommy, when can you turn on Sesame Street?
- Can you turn on KERA?
- Can you turn on Barney?
- Can you turn on Barney?
- Can you turn on Max and Ruby?
- Can we watch a movie that's not Rapunzel?
- Who are those apple slices for?
- How do you spell "dear"?
- Mama, how do you spell "dear"?
- Does "d" go after "e"?
- Mommy, can I have a bite?
- Please?
- Mommy, is that butter?
- What is it?
- Can I taste some cheese?
- Mama, can I try your apples?
- Mommy, when can I go back to soccer?
- How about next week?
- Next month?
- Mommy, can you turn on Sesame Street?
- When can we watch anything?
- Mama, can I watch something?
- What can I do?
- Mommy, can I be out?
- When can I?
- Can I be out?
- Can I read?
- When can I be out?
- Can I be out now?
- What can I watch?
- Why?
- Mommy, can I be out?
- Can I be out?
- Is there anything I can do to help you?
- When can I be out?
- Can I try one of the strawberries?
- What can I have?
- Can I have pretzels?
- Mama, am I being good?
- Why?
- What is that yellow thing right there?
- What stuff?
- Mama, why don't you want your flip flops on?
- Why do you put your purple thing in your mouth?
- Is there anything I can do to help you?
- [Edited for my privacy!]
- Are you going to take a shower?
- Mommy, when can you fix lunch for us?
- Can I live with Mrs. Lutzky?
- What about Charly?
- What about Brianna?
- Caroline?
- Whose mom is meaner than you?
- Ava?
- Why is this house so small?
- Which one you want me to do?
- Which one you want me to do?
- What's after Princess and Frog?
- Guess what I'm wearing today?
- Which one you want me to do?
- Why?
- So are you saying I can do whatever I want?
- Are you putting that in the recycle bin?
- Can you tie my shoes?
- Which book you want me read?
- How come when you're making an omelet, you have to do this with a spatula?
- Why?
- How can you pull off eggs?
- Why do you like to make Mama eggs so much?
- Do you want me to go get in the truck right now?
- When can we go?
- What?
- Which one do you want me to read first?
- What does that mean, Mama?
- Is there anything I can do to help you?
Friday, April 01, 2011
A Day's Worth of Questions--Part I
- Can I use your bathroom?
- What?
- What doesn't look comfortable?
- Where are you going when you're going out of town in April?
- Are you going to Houston?
- Are you going to see Auntie Jo?
- Mommy, can I read this book?
- What day is it?
- Mom, can we watch Tangled today?
- Did you know the whole school knows my middle name?
- How do they know it, Mama?
- How do they know it, Mama?
- Is the bread all ready to be in my lunch?
- Are you going to be able to make my lunch?
- Could you cut this string to right there?
- Can I be out?
- Is it going to be cold?
- Do you want me to wear something off the hanger?
- Can I have 4 things in my lunch?
- Can I have 4 things in my lunch?
- Can I also have an apple in my lunch?
- Next time I go to school, can I have some jelly beans?
- What flavor are they?
- Can I have a green apple?
- Can I bring a green apple for lunch and a red apple for the teacher?
- Can I bring a green apple for lunch?
- Can I have a ham sandwich?
- Would you like me to put the jelly up?
- Can I wear my flip-flops?
- Mama, did you hear that?
- Mama, are we going to watch Tangled today?
- Right, Mama?
- Is "coffit" a word?
- Is "coffee" a word?
- Can you turn this up?
- Mommy, can I unbuckle?
- Mommy, how come at school we have to get out on Bubba's side?
- Mama, can we have breakfast?
- Can we have breakfast?
- Can you cut my nails?
- Are we watching Tangled tonight?
- Can I have a banana?
- What do I have to do to put energy back in the family?
- What time?
- Is this okay?
- Can I wear it?
- Can I wear my flip-flops with this?
- What are you making?
- Am I having dinner tonight?
- Can I have a sip of your smoothie?
- Mommy, can you help me get dressed, please?
- Mommy, can you help me get dressed, please?
- Mommy, can you help me get dressed, please?
- When can you fix this?
- Can I be out?
- Why is Reagan's patch in your pocket?
- What's on your mind?
- Can I be out, Mommy?
- Did you say yes or no?
- Did I do all my hair?
- What does "least" mean?
- Mommy, Mommy, do you like it when he says, "I'm a kid, that's my job."?
- Mommy, did I get all my hair?
- Mommy, did I get all my hair?
- Why?
- Why does that one have a triangle on it on his nose?
- Can I have breakfast?
- Can I have breakfast?
- What's that sound?
- Mommy, why did it stop?
- Mommy?
- Mama, can I have breakfast?
- Is there anything I can do to help you?
- Why do them have capes?
- Why do them have sunglasses?
- Why do them have costumes?
- Can I have breakfast?
- Is there anything I can do to help you?
- Can I have breakfast?
- When can I have breakfast?
- Now can I have breakfast?
- Now can I have breakfast?
- Is there anything I can do to help you?
- What is taking so long?
- Can I have breakfast?
- Am I going to be able to have lunch?
- Mommy, can I color?
- Can I have a puzzle, please?
- Can I play with this, please?
- Mommy, were we being rude when you were on the phone?
- Can we watch a movie that's not Tangled?
- Can you turn on Sesame Street?
- Can you turn on KERA?
- Are you almost done?
- Can you get the same kind of puzzle Reagan has?
Thursday, March 24, 2011
I Love The 80's!
Completely random title for my completely random post.
· I am thrilled to report that Brian received his promotion. There will be more travel involved but when he’s not traveling, he’ll be home. No more cube farm. No more Outage Widow. In return, I’ll (hopefully) have a happier husband who is expanding his technical knowledge by answering technical questions, the part of his job he really enjoys.
· We have moved into our new digs. We’re a little off the beaten path, but in the city. I think I may go crazy here. There is no place for the kids to make a mess. I cannot stand clutter and here, every mess is right in the middle of a narrow walkway. Or in our very small kitchen. Where Little People always seem to be where I am. We’re located in a very quiet cul-de-sac where the most daily traffic is the home health nurses that visit someone across the street.
· It’s been 16 years since I graduated from high school. How did that happen?
· I took a much needed break from my scrapbooking business and am glad to be back in the swing of things. My groups are growing and this is a good thing! The new catalog is fabulous, perfect for spring and summer. However, I’m sad. In our new house, we have to use my quilting table for our dining room table. No space to create or leave my projects out. Of course, that didn’t stop me from buying fabric yesterday to make a queen-sized quilt.
· It appears spring is upon us, and I, for one, could not be more thrilled. Spring brings warmer weather, my birthday and my annual weekend away at Auntie Jo’s. Only 5 weeks away. I love the drive, alone, to Houston, coming into town on the West side, driving through the Galleria and downtown, just feeling the energy of the city. When I reach my destination, I feel like I can finally take a deep breath and relax. And Auntie Jo can prepare a very smart cocktail which helps to melt the stress away.
· Free advice: People are never what they seem on the surface. What seems perfect and put together, never is. Everyone has their secrets. Act accordingly.
· Of course, we’ve been to the doctor. In fact, Bubba spent the first weekend of Spring Break in the hospital. Our latest ER experience had me a little aggravated. I am grateful for a doctor I can talk to and explain my concerns. I find I’m a teeny bit brand loyal. I want my doctor, all the time. I mean, Dr. Hadeed would never make us wait until 3pm before rounding on us. On the day we were to be discharged. Today, Bubba has a fever, and I am fighting the urge to take him to the doctor.
· Reagan Roux-Roux broke her leg last month. Thankfully, the cast finally comes off on Monday. The only month longer than this: the last month of pregnancy. Apparently, there’s a reason ballet dancers wear special shoes. Flip-flops aren’t appropriate dancin’ footwear. Now you know. Orthopedics: another Cook’s specialty on our medical team.
· I always feel most inspired to write in my blog when I have the most to do.
· My perfect place: laid out on a beach somewhere. Feeling the sun and the wind. Listening to the ocean. Before I was married, I used to keep a chaise beach chair in my car, just in case I got the opportunity to go to Galveston. I was proposed to on the beach (per my demands) and married on the beach. I hope to retire to the beach someday.
· Oh, and I do love the 80’s.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Homeschooling, Again
Monday, January 31, 2011
I Hate January
- Friends helped out by bringing meals for 10 days leaving me room to breathe.
- Joshua's bronchoscopy procedure went well. There is nothing structurally wrong with his respiratory system and the bacterial infection found in his lungs was on its way out and no treatment was necessary. Reflux was not affecting his respiratory function.
- Brian's mom came and stayed for a week while he was gone to Ohio, "just in case". I wouldn't have asked her myself, but Brian felt it was necessary for her to come, and I was grateful that she did.
- No children needed emergency room or physician services during that week. In fact, I would almost say that after getting rid of the cat, Reagan and Joshua were well. Of course, they're not well now, but hey, take what you can get.
- We take possession of the new house on Thursday.
- I did not start school.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
What I Do
Thursday, January 06, 2011
My Medical Team and Our Medical Records
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Compassion, A Gift We Ought To Give Each Other
Sound of Silence
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Out of Place
Sunday, January 02, 2011
Finished Projects