Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A Death In The Family

This week I received an email that my father's mother had passed away. I'm wondering if I should be sad, but I don't feel anything. I had only met her once or twice. Bertha wasn't even on the outermost fringes of my life, much less in my life. My dad was raised by his grandmother in Iowa and considered Grandma to be his mother.

This topic of conversation about my dad going to Iowa for this funeral have been discussed many times over the years without an ending. Until now. In his words, "I won't be going. I realize all this might sound cold to you, but that's just the way it is and it's better left alone." I encouraged him to go, but this is the response that I got. I fear that he will regret his decision later, but it's too late now.

The obituary, easily found on the Internet, was very sad. No family listed, visitation to be held an hour before the service, memorials to be given to the Humane Society. At this writing, the funeral has been completed and she's either already buried or waiting for the ground to thaw...without anyone from her oldest son's family in attendance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Mitch forwarded your blog to me, and I have enjoyed reading it. Congratulations on the new baby! It is also great to hear of the wonderful things God is doing in your life. The book mentioned sounds very encouraging.

If you have never heard of, or done, the "Restore My Heart" bible study, I highly recommend it. It is written by Denise Glenn of Motherwise.org It explains the Jewish betrothal/wedding custom and teaches how it parallels God's plan for His Bride the Church, and Christ as the groom. Yet, it is very personal. There is a fictional love story paralleling the bible stduy to illustrate the priniciples, and allow you to see yourself as the Bride of Christ. It too reiterates beautifully the depth of God's love on a very personal level. It wonderfully reveals the nearness of God-how He takes us in as His child, and prepares for us a beautiful future. As a mother of girls, it is definitely a must read. It gives a very different perspective of wedding ceremonies and traditions-one that highly respects,protects, and prepares the bride.

Also... Catherine Zeta Jones-beautiful brown eyes. There are many others-famous and not- I know with dark hair and brown eyes. I have always thought it a beautiful combination!

My outlook email is not setup, so I could not email you. But my address is janelletempleton@hotmail.com
Caleb is now a junior-driving-and beginning to have a first "girl" friend. Josh is a freshman. Two in high school. Time flies. Enjoy the moments, though crazy they may seem. I know right now time seems to pass slowly. But it soon will fly.

Great to keep in touch